If you would like to contact me my email address is
First let me introduce myself, my name is Karen and I have been working as a Spiritual Medium, Healer and Teacher over the last twenty years. Giving, teaching spiritual guidance and awareness to people from all walks of life.
I was born in England. My family immigrated out to Perth Western Australia when I was young and I have been here ever since.
Recently I felt strongly guided to write about my spiritual journey and experiences.
You do not have to necessarily have the same beliefs or agree with what you read, that is what makes us individuals.
I hope that perhaps you will find one thing that may enlighten you or assist you to grow as a person and touch other people's hearts...
New information will be added on to the site overtime.
Each time you will need to scroll down pass this personal introduction to view and read additional material
This site is a work in progress...have patience...thank you :)
I believe in the bridge between two worlds. That is our physical, reality world we live in and the spiritual world beyond. I work through spirit guides using
- Meditation
- Clairvoyance (seeing spirit)
- Clairaudient (hearing spirit)
- Clairsentience (sensing the presence and thoughts of spirit)
Previously over the years I have been involved in Spiritualist Churches, learning to develop as a medium, demonstrating mediumship and philosophy.
I have taught meditation classes/workshops, spiritual awareness/development groups, healing and spiritual readings by
- connecting to guides through meditation
- flower readings
- psychometry
- photo readings
- angel & tarot cards
- colour therapy
- spiritual healing
- reiki
Even though I had no idea who they were until many years later!
As my mum stood near me ,I remember this other woman standing by her side, surrounded with a beautiful light. Never thought to ask who she was, although I knew I wasn't frightened by her presence.
I now know her name is Sarah and she has been one of my spirit guides for years. Unbeknown to me at the time Sarah, was a sister of my Nana (on my mother's side). Sarah was one of sixteen children.
I knew my Nana had fifteen siblings, but I was not aware of their names until years later and the connection was made.
I became more conscious of spirit from around the age of eleven onwards. I was sharing a room with my sister. My bed where my head lay, faced towards our bedroom door down into the hallway. I would see people walking towards me from the hall sometimes just one, at times, several.
Sometimes I was scared, especially when I felt them standing right by my shoulders and bed. This is natural when you are young and have no real understanding of things in the world. I could hear them talking to me but I didn't understand what they were saying, perhaps I didn't want to....
I would hide under the covers and put my hands over my ears until I fell asleep. At other times I would pretend I had a bad dream and run into mum and dad's room to escape what I was seeing and hearing.
Poor mum and dad, disrupting their sleep pattern and I wasn't even into my teenage years!
For years I would ignore or pretend that I did not see, sense or hear spirit. I was worried that people would think I was talking crazy and lock me away.
In the early years I often felt like the 'odd' one out, didn't feel like I fitted in at school and other places in life.
As the years passed I was so relieved to find people of like mind and similar experiences when I attended a local hall for meditation classes and they talked to me about spiritual development and mediumship.
I have to admit I did have what I thought was 'abit of fun' with some of my girlfriend's.
I would occasionally sense or see things and take a chance telling them about my 'funny feelings' and they would be in shock or freak out saying "how did you know?".
At times I would just reply "lucky guess" OR " just me and one of my funny feelings"
One day a girlfriend said to me "Karen do you know you have a knack, call it a gift if you like with what you do? You can be helping and guiding people"
I responded with "I don't see it as a gift, just an ability or sixth sense that I believe we all have."
The magic words 'helping people' meant so much to me and so my spiritual journey began....
I was in my twenties when I first started truly working with spirit.
It was purely by word of mouth through friend's that other people would come to see me. I just tried to help and guide as many people with messages and connections to loved one's in the spirit world.
Half of my time was divided between my normal everyday job, family and my spiritual work. Eventually my spiritual work began to increase. Without asking, in the early years, people began to leave donations like bread, milk which helped us out considerably at the time and it all has grown from there.
Over the years I have often had to draw on not only my inner spiritual strength but trust the connection with our spirit world in challenging times throughout my own life. Always having faith and hope.
Interview with Samantha Moody , a student of Kolbe Catholic College
Q. Have you ever had any frightening or negative experiences while connecting with spirits? If so, how did you handle the situation?
A. Yes, there have certainly been some challenging experiences on the odd occasions. As stated earlier, naturally when I was young I was frightened, having no understanding of spirit.
One incident that I will never forget, happened in the 1990's. I was asked to go out to a home where unexplainable things were happening. I took a gentleman with me from a spiritualist church to assist, not knowing exactly what we were dealing with.
On arrival we were told a lot of activity was happening in their 9 year old daughter's room. We and the occupants of the home were standing outside the bedroom door and when I opened the door, a curtain rod flew across the room towards us! Quickly I shut the door and you could hear it hit the door and fall to the floor.
That is when I thought - help!! Never seen anything like it before! Whilst trying to appear calm and collected for the occupants so they would not worry any more than need be. I thought at the time...hm mm, troubled spirit here!
We walked around the house and grounds. There seemed to be a cold, uncomfortable spot in the home. After cleansing and meditating the home, with special focus on the cold spot. I sensed a young man, he was upset and told me that he had hung himself in haste, depressed over a breakup. He was upset that these people were in his home especially his bedroom (young girl's room). He was restless & troubled and had not crossed over to the light. We did our best to guide him to the light and to let him know he would be be at peace with loved ones....
At the time I asked the occupants were they the original owners or if not, did they no any history of the home. Their answer was no.
Several weeks later they touched base informing me that they managed to get hold of the original owners and yes, a young man had hung himself in the home. Secondly, that they were thankful as since our visit there were no more strange happening, things had settled.
Q.Knowing that you were helping people, was there ever a point where you felt as if your spiritual work was draining you emotionally?
A. Yes, there have been such occassions Since I love helping people, I found it hard in the early years to say NO. There have been readings I have done where I have connected to loved one's or sensed certain images some beautiful & wonderful and some not so....this can drain on you emotionally over the years.
I think it also comes down to yourself and if you are unwell or busy doing numerous commitments at once, you leave yourself open to become drained both physically and emotionally.
Q.Has there ever been an incident in which you were unable to connect with a spirit, if so why and what context surrounded that situation?
A. As I say to others, I am only human. I am only a vessel or channel between the worlds OR to use a more updated term - a Internet connection to send, receive and relay information! Sometimes this service does not connect or disconnects! :)
One time I recall a lady visiting and I tried hard to read for her and connect to love ones, I just barely received anything. The lady was becoming quite agitated and annoyed.
I kept hearing my guide saying " the wrong reason, here for the wrong reason!" I didn't understand any of it, after about 15-20 minutes I gave my apologies to the lady, explaining I could not read for her. I asked why she had come to see me and she replied quite curtly "shouldn't you know that!"
She told me that someone she knew had passed away and she had wanted to know if she was been left anything in their will!!! Well, I was so shocked and at that moment fully understood what spirit had meant.
Consequently I just reiterated politely that I could not read, connect to loved ones or help her that day.
The lady left.
Q.What is one of the most rewarding spiritual experiences you have had? Why is this?
A. Gosh, there have been a few....one of my most memorable was for a woman who came for a reading. As I sat with her, I expected to receive positive things or perhaps a connection to a loved one.
After a little time had passed, a little boy appeared by her side he looked about 7 years old, he told me to tell her " its okay, its okay, not her fault" and although she could not sense it, he touched her arm. He had a mop of dark hair, big brown eyes and the cutest cheeky smile. I suddenly saw the image of a swimming pool by his side, he pointed to it.
I relayed this to the woman and suddenly she broke into uncontrollable tears, after fetching her a glass of water and some tissues she began to tell me how for many years she had lived with the guilt of a young boy's death. She was younger and babysitting him, when she made a call to a friend and whilst busy chatting (No mobiles or cordless then) She did not see him open the sliding door and he had fallen into the pool and drowned.
It was the most awful time of her life, the family had thought about pressing charges etc. The experience had changed her life path in many ways. I told her he told her he is happy and it is okay, to let go now of all the pain and heartache..... she told me to tell him how truly sorry she was over & over......when she left she was at peace and so was the little boy.....
Q.How do you connect with the spirits?
A. Mostly through meditation and trust. For a reading I will sit and meditate just on a person's first name that they give me, then when they come to see me I go with what I see, sense and feel. Sometimes through psychometry, or photographs I have also connected to spirits. I love doing the flower readings as it is a connection to nature (and I am a nature lover!) A flower reading can not only give an insight to the person who visits, I have connected to spirit this way to.
Sometimes it is not always a loved one/family member that has passed over that comes through. It could be a guide for them or someone else connected to them. At times there may be no direct connection, however, you pick up on their lives, jobs, feelings etc and give spiritual guidance. In some cases healing - only if you are well enough and have energy in yourself. Important! I learnt this lesson the hard way! :)
Q. Has it been hard trying to explain your gift to others, or is it something you tend to keep private?
A. Definately, over the years I have kept it private. Only if people ask me or I meet people with like minds do I open up and share. Until now where I had this strong guidance/feeling to share and write about my spiritual journey.
Q. Although your gift to connect with the spirit world has been used for the good of others, what are some of the negative aspects of your ability?
A. I think at times people are misguided and think perhaps that you are some kind of fortune teller!
Also sadly and frustratingly you come across others in life who will, take advantage of your good heart, kindness and time. It also can affect the dynamics of relationships with others. You become so devoted helping others spiritually, and have to learn to say NO, sorry not today, to have time out.
At times the odd friend over the years have occasionally felt I was ignoring them - this wasn't intentional nor the case. I tried really hard to devote time to everyone in my life. In between family, studying, working a day job as well as on top of my spiritual work. I was just tired and needed to replenish my energy. At times I just want a day to myself or a day out with my loved ones. Don't most of us?
Q.While you spend a lot of time connecting with the presence of other people's lost loved ones, has there even been a situation where you have connected with some one from your own life?
A. Yes, I was living in the Northern Territory in the late 1980's. One evening I was sitting watching TV with my partner, when suddenly I saw my Nana (my dad's mum) appear. I remember sitting there doubting myself, looking for shadows, tricks of light etc...
She stood there, smiled waved and said ta ra love I'm going now" My partner at the time said I looked like I had gone into some kind of trance and said I looked like I had seen a ghost!! Well, when I told him what had happened he looked at me strangely. The next morning my family rang me to inform me that Nana had passed away in the UK. I don't know how I knew but I just had this feeling inside that she would always be around if I needed her......and she certainly has.......
Q. In what form do the spirits appear? Are they human-like?
A. Sometimes, yes they can appear quite clearly. Other times not and you just sense their presence.
Q. What type of conversation occurs between you and a spirit?
A. Love this question! There is not always a direct full conversation. In my experience, often humour comes into it, with some of the spirits I had contact with. Perhaps it is because I believe it is important to laugh if you can everyday - it truly is the best medicine .
Q. Is it possible for you to block out spirits if needed?
A. Yes, this is important. In the early years you could say they came thick and fast at all times, especially at night. Too much for me to understand or control. Then one of my teachers said to me " You must remember that you are in control and you choose when you work!" Best advice I ever had.
Q.After understanding that you were able to see spirits, how did you learn to communicate with them on a more personal level?
A. Through trust and meditation.
Q. Throughout your years of helping others to communicate with spirits how was it that you began to become more well known and popular in your work?
A. I suppose you could say through natural progression. I would say it was when I was working at the spiritualist churches and events such as a psychic fairs, fundraising for charities etc
People saw me 'in action' so to speak :) and it just grew from there...
As the word spread before I knew it I was reading for people interstate and internationally via letters (no email back then!)
Q. What is some of the feedback you have received from people you have offered service to over the years?
A. Let's start with the negative - you learn that not everyone in the world will like or accept you. Sometimes there is a natural clash of energies. Or perhaps you read for someone and what you give from spirit or sense for them - is not always what they want to hear!
On a positive level it is wonderful when the people you sit with confirm what you give them through connections and messages from loved ones, for some that includes their beloved pets. They can find more inner peace in the knowing or from the guidance you give.(Bonus reward is when they give you a hug)
Q. What sort of a process do you go through when connecting with the dead? Its understandable that most people associate this whole process with how its usually portrayed in movies or televised programmes, which involves a uiji board and a large dusty book of spells. How is and isn't these ideas different to your work?
A. Again I meditate and also a big thing for me is the positive energies and love vibrations you can feel from people. Especially when working in groups.
On the rare occassion there has been a couple of similarities I have seen portrayed in movies or televised programmes, however, over exaggerated! (Except the one's where they have done the research and it is factual)
"Where flowers bloom so does hope"
(Lady Bird Johnson)
(photography by Karen)
...Your signature on nature...
As a nature lover, I enjoy doing flower readings immensly, they often symbolise and reflect people's inner self.
In my experience the flower readings work by clairsentience*
(* sensing energies, thoughts impressions and sometimes images)
Flower readings are a form of psychometry*
(* i.e. holding an object to connect to the person and their energies)
By the person holding the flower it leaves an impression of who they are and absorbs their energies.
As a reader you pick up on these energies. The type of flower you choose and hand to the reader often represents a strong symbolic meaning (perhaps at that time in your life.)
You make and take the time to choose a flower (or the flower chooses you!).
Before attending the reading try and sit quietly (meditate if you can) for at least 15minutes with your flower.
Once you are at the reading I attune to the energies and impressions with the flower and by looking at the colors and structure of the flower. Relaying any information received to give guidance and insight to the person concerned.
A spiritual medium (who is often psychic) acts purely as a channel or vessel to connect between our physical world and the spiritual world. We do our best to attune and connect to the spirits for people to give proof of the afterlife of loved ones.
Sometimes people misunderstand and confuse medium ship with fortune telling. They are perhaps misguided thinking they are going to have their future/fortune told. Sorry! this not the case....
As a medium I am often asked what is the difference between medium ship and psychic. I have found the two often go hand in hand.
The difference I have found is the psychic reader taps into the senses, images and vibrations of the universe. Where as a medium specifically works as a channel through one or a combination of things like
- Clairvoyance (seeing of spirit)
- Clairaudient (hearing of spirit)
- Clairsentience (sensing of spirit)
We do our best to connect, receive and relay messages of loved ones.
As a medium you do not get to choose who we communicate with, often they choose us!
It is not an ability like dialing up a phone number to connect to the exact person you may be asking about.
In my experience, I have found it doesn't work like that!
If it did, no doubt phone companies would cotton on and charge us extra ! :)
Establishing the best connection I can to loved ones with messages of love, help, guidance and the continued existence of proof of the spirit world.
(Greek meaning: Psyche meaning 'soul' and metron meaning 'measure')
My interpretation on this meaning is a measure of one's soul is absorbed by an object they may have had or worn.
As previously mentioned psychometry in simplest form is holding an object to connect to a person and their energies. Holding an object (example: a ring) will assist the reader to sense things about the person.
Perhaps I should say 'receive and transmit' vibrations, impressions and energies that have been absorbed by the object from a person.
"A picture speaks a thousand words...."
At times when people bring photographs of others, I find by focusing on the person in the photo, their eyes in particular, you can sense and receive information on their characters and energies.
( hence why a full face shot is better to read)
Also photographs can show auras that is subtle fields of multicolored energy, or some call it radiation around the person concerned in the photo. Again this enables a reader to sense and tune in to a person's character.
Working with cards is another method of reading for people.
Over the years I have only used the cards if requested or near the end of a sitting to finish off what may have come through from spirit.
I have had a set of tarot cards for around 20 years given to me by a girlfriend. Although I have mainly work through medium ship (& overheads) I have used the cards.
The tarot cards are like a picture story book or you could say like a map of spiritual and mental pathways.
Tarot cards are used to help and assist people to gain insight into recent past and current events and possibly future situations.
No tarot meaning is set in concrete. It is to me, a map which will hopefully make you aware and guide you with options for your journey in life...
They assist as a tool for you to gain insight and inspiration for that day and present time.
For Private Readings you can email me at angelsonmyshoulder@hotmail.com